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JoyaBrava - Jorge Castañón

In 2017 JoyaBrava invited the prominent Argentine jeweller Jorge Castañón to work under his tutelage.

Daring to enter the inner world of each one of us, through an intense and profound process, where we grow and dialogue with ourselves and others, was the challenge that Castañón proposed to us. 

"Interiors" brings together all our differences and convergences as a group, embodied in pieces of paper, porcelain, metals, textiles and other materials, which give corporeality to our pains, joys, hopes, affections and commotions.

Translated with (free version)

Names of the participants:


Ana Nadjar

Andrea Silva

Carola Donoso

Cecilia Roccatagliata

Clarisa Menteguiaga

Constanza Bielsa

Daniela Rivera

Gabriela Harsányi

Joyce Marín

Liliana Ojeda

Loreto Fernández

Massiel Del Mar

Melina Rapimán 

Mónica Díaz-Pinto

Monoco (Mónica Pérez)

Natalia Saldías

Pascale Durandín

Patricia Iglesias

Paulina Latorre

Pía Walker

Rita Soto Ventura

Soledad Ávila

Valeria Martínez

Vania Ruiz

Viviana Arévalo

Yael Olave

Yoya Zamora-Manzur

2020, septiembre-octubre, Centro de Artesanías de Catalunya, Barcelona, España.

2019, mayo-junio, Galería Niello, Legnica, Polonia. Exhibición enmarcada en el Légnica Jewelry Festival Silver.

2019, marzo, Espacio Akjumii, Munich, Alemania. Exhibición en el marco de la Munich Jewellery Week.

2018, septiembre-noviembre, Museo de la Historia del Traje, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Exhibición de JoyaBrava enmarcada en la

II Bienal Latinoamericana de Joyería Contemporánea, Buenos Aires.

JoyaBrava is a non-profit trade union association that gathers more than 26 contemporary Chilean jewellers, who work the jewellery as a means of artistic expression, investigating and experimenting with materials, concepts and processes.

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