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JoyaBrava is a trade union association (AG), non-profit and of indefinite duration, whose main objective is (are) the growth and promotion of its members through contemporary jewellery in Chile and abroad.

Among its main activities are:

a) To maintain a virtual platform that promotes the works of the associates and that contains up-to-date information on the activities related to the area, both nationally and internationally.

b) To promote workshops, courses, talks, workshops and educational activities related to contemporary jewellery.

c) To organize exhibitions and initiatives of cultural and exchange nature both nationally and internationally.

d) To promote actions that support the creation of new difussion and commercialization spaces for contemporary jewellery.

e) To participate in national and international networks of the cultural and artistic field as well as generate networks with entities that provide financing and/or donations to the Association.

f) To publish books, catalogs and other information media related to the field of contemporary Chilean jewellery.

The association has as legal address: Ismael Valdés Vergara # 670 Of. 205, Santiago, Chile. And virtual address is


a) To attend, participate and benefit from the activities organized by or related to the Association.

b) To choose and/or be chosen to be an active part of the organization.

c) To participate in the voting of the general assembly.

d) The Members must fill out the associate's card and deliver all documents requested, in addition to having at least three pieces of jewellery to be show in case of exhibition of works organized by the Association.

e) The members must be up to date in the payment of the incorporation fee (in the case of new members) and the annual ordinary fee, whose amounts will be fixed by the General Assembly.

f) The members must sign the "Code of Ethics".



"Man has an inclination to associate, because in the state of society he feels more man, that is, he feels he can better develop his natural dispositions". Kant 


Below the principles or general guidelines that govern the way of participating in the Association.


The values ​​that we want our members to show are: HONESTY, RESPECT, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.


Each member of the Association is a representative of JoyaBrava before the community. He or she must show a willingness to collaborate with others in the projects in which the association is involved, without eagerness to standing out in front of the rest of the associates over.passing their colleagues with an attitude of superiority or self-centeredness.


The personal commitment of each member with the Association is expected in relation to facilitate the delivery of professional information that may be of general interest to their colleagues and for the benefit of their professional development in the field. Example: Share information about scholarships, contests or calls for participation in international exhibitions in which other partners can also be included, without prejudice to the one who receives said information.


Every member of JoyaBrava must be honest in their criticism and not defame or denigrate the work or reputation of another designer. You should not try to impersonate other partners or compete through unfair competition procedures.


Each partner of JoyaBrava is committed to respect the dignity and value of all people without discriminate in front of the individual, cultural, gender, race, religion, ideology diferences, sexual orientation, marital status or maternity, political opinion or ethnic origin.


In the event that a member exercises emotional (psychological), physical or pecuniary damage, this will be submitted to the criteria of the assembly or board in order to assess their permanence in the association, in front of any complaint from a member who has seen affected his or her personal or professional integrity in some way or another.

Joya Brava es una asociación gremial sin fines de lucro, que reúne a cerca de 29 joyeros contemporáneos chilenas, las cuales trabajan la joyería como medio de expresión artística investigando y experimentando con materiales, conceptos y procesos.


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  • Instagram - Círculo Blanco

© 2010 JoyaBrava. All rights reserved.


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