The IV Biennial and all its activities

Central Competition
Co-Becoming: Narratives for Possible Futures
IV Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Jewelry.
The world burns in desolations and injustices.
Our actions today bring forth a tomorrow: it is urgent that we reflect on their consequences.
Humans are not superior; we are part of an extremely complex network of interdependence in which the other, understood in its broadest sense, is as necessary as I. What we do inevitably affects our ecosystems, those sets of relationships that constitute the very existence of everything that is, including ourselves; what we do can integrate or destroy from the smallest beings to the planet itself.
Today we require a change in perspective: the future will only be possible if we look at ancestral ways of life and their relationship and respect for nature, if we generate new forms of relationship, collaboration, and interspecies coexistence. We need to develop new imaginaries, propose new stories, build speculative narratives about possible and palpable futures.
Jewelry, as a means of artistic expression, is committed to the time and environment to which it belongs. It is from this place that the Biennial proposes that, through reflection on our integration into the world of which we are a part, we create work that looks at this present and proposes a better future. We appeal to our responsibility as artists to speak from art about the responsibility of coexisting with others, in an infinitely inhabited world, where the steps we have taken so far are painfully destructive.
We invite you to reflect on a future of COEXISTENCE and COLLABORATION.
Let's make jewelry a voice that contributes to that construction. Let's project.
Argentine Jewelers and Joya Brava, as an invited partner on this occasion, invite you to participate in the Co-Becoming competition within the framework of the IV Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Jewelry. The exhibition of the competition will be displayed at the Palacio Pereira Extension Center in Santiago, Chile. This space will be joined by venues participating in the call for Simultaneous Exhibitions in Santiago, Buenos Aires, and throughout Latin America. As in the previous edition, the competition, exhibitions, and all activities to be developed will have a virtual headquarters on the special platform of the IV Biennial, from where we can see and share all the activities.
Simultaneous Exhibitions
Starting from this edition, we will seek to consolidate existing local circuits and promote the initiation of new exhibition routes in various points of Latin America. This idea is based on the need to promote contemporary jewelry throughout the continent. This is complemented by strengthening the bonds between Latin American creators, as well as with the public, institutions, marketing channels, art museums, galleries, art fairs, competitions, etc., moving towards the goal of establishing and strengthening the place of contemporary jewelry within the art world and the gaze of local audiences.
The calls for simultaneous exhibitions that we propose in this biennial are:
Brave Route: Spaces for Art Jewelry . This circuit of international exhibitions will take place in Santiago de Chile, simultaneously with the Co-Becoming competition exhibition and reflection sessions.
Buenos Artes Circuit The already classic route of Argentine in-person exhibitions that will take place throughout the city of Buenos Aires.
Jewels to the South Following the format we initiated in the third biennial, which proved to be extremely enriching, in-person exhibitions will be held in museums or exhibition spaces in the artists' cities of origin.
Virtual Exhibitions: Finally, there is the possibility of holding exclusively virtual exhibitions through the labienal.ar platform.
Symposiums and Conferences
Santiago de Chile will be the venue where, along with the Co-Becoming competition and the Brave Route, reflection sessions and conferences will be held in person.
The Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Jewelry proposes not only a specific space for our artistic languages but also for exchange, integration bonds, and thought and reflection on our work and its relationship with the environment.
We call once again for all Latin American actors to present their proposals on this ideal occasion to delve once again into that abundant and fertile exchange: proposals for talks and conferences to be included in the itinerary of the VI Latin American Biennial of Contemporary Jewelry.
We invite you to send proposals for:
Reflection sessions, which will be held in person in Santiago de Chile on October 4th and 5th.
Virtual conferences, to be held between October 10th and November 3rd.
In-person conferences in the places of origin, which will be recorded and uploaded to the biennial platform.
One possibility is for the proposals for the sessions to be linked to the theme of this edition of the Biennial, from the perspective of observing and being aware of our surroundings, responsible belonging to our community, and the world of which we are part.
We warmly invite all interested parties without nationality limits to make their presentations.