JoyEROS Exhibition
At OFF JOYA, Barcelona was the setting for the launch of our exhibition JoyEROS: EROTICISM, BODY JEWELRY.
Words from a Brava Jeweler:
Participating in Expo joyEROS was a very enriching experience, coming to Barcelona to present it is the result of advancing through different stages of work that included analytical, conceptual, creative and technical instances; in search of the best achievement from the collective and individual, in order to get a sample that would account for Chilean Contemporary Jewelry abroad.
I will tell you how I lived the experience; with the topic resolved - Eroticism - we began conversation meetings and proposals guided by an expert curator on the subject, who its mission was to prepare ourselves for the opening of teaching our intimacy from creation, the proposal invited us to make a jewel for that area of your body that will be most erogenous for you, an exercise in personal recognition, a kind of erotic confessional in a public statement. In my case, facing the theme went beyond being a story of desire - provocation, to being a tribute to the body and my feminine condition; to restore it, to rebuild it, to re-enchant myself with a different body than the one I used to look at in the mirror, knowingly using this exposure to love myself again, to complete myself.
We had the opportunity to take charge of our creation at the time of assembly, where we decided to photograph ourselves with the piece, realizing the use of our jewel and the pleasure of wearing it.
And so we left for Barcelona, we arrived at the “El Lavadero” gallery, we looked, we measured, we proposed and to work; purchase of materials and a lot of ingenuity in the proposal. We got to work and started an assembly with simple materials and cooperative work, everyone doing everything. Finally, the day of the inauguration arrived, the day of the final preparations; many spectators, a lot of joy and a lot of satisfaction. We received very positive reviews and others not so much, but we remain certain that we set up our conception of contemporary jewelry that mixes concept with a good deal of sentimentality, a fusion that defines our idiosyncrasy, coming from a country in which each inhabitant still carries the national history, good representative of Latin American art, makes its way into jewelry as an artistic branch. That shortly after proposing, we proudly say we are making a presence on the international scene. Jewelers in Barcelona.
loreto fernandez

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