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Constanza Bielsa Ferreyra

Córdoba, Argentina.

She graduated as an architect in Santiago de Chile and studies a Diploma in Sustainable Architecture at the Catholic University.

She studied Jewelery at the Claudia Correa School, Pamela de la Fuente School and specific courses with Carles Codina and Jorge Castañón.

She currently works as an architect and also in her Goldsmith's workshop, where she designs and produces jewelry. In parallel, she is the director of the ORNAMENTAL Jewelery experimentation area, at Fab Lab Santiago. She is also a teacher in the "New Media" course at Pamela de la Fuente School.

From Ornamental, she seeks to rethink the concept of materiality and the way to build a piece of jewelry. This space allows her to explore with materials, such as textiles, paper, bioplastics and to cross them with digital technologies.


"One of my concerns and ways of expressing has to do with experimentation and the creation of small pieces that have been translated into jewelry. To have the possibility to speak from dreams, ideas, observations, current problems and transform them into real and tangible objects, is a way to create, to project and to manifest portable mini-sculptures.

My search mainly has to do with observing the details that exist in nature. On the other hand, the architect training has influenced me in the observation of different scales, understanding and projecting from a creative process that, in addition to research, carries a history and critical thinking.

The possibility of being able to speak through my work, opening possibilities for reflection on our social and environmental surroundings, my direct relationship with disused materials, waste, or simply materials that come out of their immediate context, revaluing them in a new setting, giving them a new life and thus transmit a different way that allows us to re-think".

Joya Brava es una asociación gremial sin fines de lucro, que reúne a cerca de 29 joyeros contemporáneos chilenas, las cuales trabajan la joyería como medio de expresión artística investigando y experimentando con materiales, conceptos y procesos.


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