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Mónica Díaz-Pinto


Name of the work: "Outside, everything is excessive"


Phrase: "The emptiness of the folds is mute and the contained wrinkle is a legacy, the volatile movement has lost its color."



“Every movement, whatever its cause, is creative”. Edgar Alan Poe


Each material encourages a game that allows you to discover. The volume that is achieved with the "shibori" without ironing it is very suggestive. The threads of the fabric stretching and shrinking allowed me to rescue the wrinkle. The wrinkle of the skin that appears over the years, the wrinkle that marks our spirit, the wrinkle in the furrow of the earth to sow, the wrinkle that we discover in the waters of the rough sea, the wrinkle in the sand whipped by the wind, the wrinkle that speaks of movement, of life, of the passage of time.

Joya Brava es una asociación gremial sin fines de lucro, que reúne a cerca de 29 joyeros contemporáneos chilenas, las cuales trabajan la joyería como medio de expresión artística investigando y experimentando con materiales, conceptos y procesos.


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