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Paulina Latorre D´ottone

In 2004 she graduated as a goldsmith from the School of Applied Arts Technical Training Center. The following year she traveled to Italy on a scholarship from the Italian government, to study stones setting at the school of the Neapolitan jewelers consortium Il Tarí. In 2006, continuing her search to perfect herself in her craft, she arrived in Germany at the Fachoschule Pforzheim school, where she completed a year and a half of academic training.

Upon her return to Chile in 2008, she began to work independently in her workshop, participated in fairs and gave private classes. She currently works in her workshop independently and is the creator of three jewelry lines: Huasa, Mini-Mal and Ah’i.

In Chile, she has been part of different exhibitions and internationally, she has participated in group exhibitions in Germany, Argentina, Peru and Spain. Her works have also been published in the books "The Compendium Finale of Contemporary Jewelers 2008" and "500 Wedding Rings”.


"My work is impregnated by the need to express myself sensitively and artistically from a reflective act of observing and observing oneself. Each of my pieces aspires to be more than an object of value and aesthetic pleasure, I seek to create pieces loaded with symbolism, which accuse the social discomforts and my emotions in front of them. The artistic challenge for me is to achieve an aesthetic discourse consistent with my personal concerns and suggestive for those who observe or carry it".

JoyaBrava is a non-profit trade union association that gathers more than 26 contemporary Chilean jewellers, who work the jewellery as a means of artistic expression, investigating and experimenting with materials, concepts and processes.

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